My Creative Tool Kit (Analog&Digital)
I have spent almost a decade searching for the perfect tools in the naive hope that they would help me with my drawings. Well... they haven't. However, at least I have tried almost every size and shape of notebook possible and added a few tools to the mix, so I can share my experience with you today.
This post includes affiliate links to products I really use and recommend to you. It costs you nothing, and I may earn a small percentage, which I will use to fulfill my caffeine addiction so that I can continue writing this blog.
1. Analog Tools
Sketchbooks. Oh there are so many. Each person has their own preferences, and there are many options to choose from. However, this is about MY tools, so I am going to share my favorite ones. Leuchtturm 1917, soft cover B5 with clear pages (or dotted).
I choose this Leuchtturm because it offers the perfect 'in-between' size - not as large as A4 paper but also not as small as an A5 school notebook. It's actually a 'B' size, but Leuchtturm notebooks tend to have a slightly more rectangular shape compared to the squarer shape of Moleskines. Although I usually prefer plain pages, I often find myself compromising between size, color, and paper type. For instance, I might want a yellow notebook, but they only have it in yellow with dots – this happens quite frequently. My all-time favorite, however, is a yellow, softcover journal with plain pages. I choose Leuchtturm over Moleskine mainly because it's cheaper while maintaining similar quality. It has two bookmarks, a pouch at the back, and comes with cute stickers for the front page. The rounded corners are practical since I take my sketchbook everywhere, and it's not too heavy as it doesn't have many pages. Another great feature is that the pages are numbered. I choose not to buy an actual 'sketchbook' from any of my favorite brands. I did it for a while but discovered that I am not that creative on nice paper. The paper in sketchbooks for mixed media is usually hard with high gram weight. I need it to be shabby, wrinkled when I spill coffee on it (or put the coffee cup on the page and it leaves a nice circle - reminds me of the alien language from Arrival) and let my markers leak through multiple pages. During that time, I don’t mind drawing ugly things and usually, I have better results and draw more frequently.
Also, after a long time of using notebooks (basically, a notebook was the first thing I ever created with my hands - a few loose pages taped together - it was a masterpiece and I was like 4), I kind of realized that notebooks aren’t the perfect solution. What feels the most comfortable for me are loose A3 pages. I tend to go bigger and bigger with the space, and A3 still fits under 'portable', yet I can make real movements with my hand and fit enough details on the page. However, it's really uncomfortable to take it anywhere, so I keep a stack of A3s at home and take my sketchbook on the go.
Leuchtturm 1917, soft cover A6 with clear pages (or dotted).
But then, B5 is actually still pretty big and I want to have a place for drawing all the time. So, I also have this purse-sized notebook and a pocket-sized notebook.
Leuchtturm 1917, jottbook A6 with clear pages (or dotted).
The pocket-sized is actually this Leuchtturm cut in half because I needed a really tiny thing (girls, you understand; most of the time, I am not even able to fit a phone into my pockets - if there are any, of course - not a NOTEBOOK). But this one fits almost anywhere because after the cutting it is basically A7 size. When I go out for dinner with friends, I just open it and start doodling things or people around me. It irritates me that it's so small, but I need to do something with my hands.
With my 'Not-so-Sketchbook Sketchbook', I usually use these markers I accidentally found in a stationery store in the city center. I bought like five colors (black, red, navy, lightblue and purple) and I am using only them.
I used to draw a lot with Zig Art and Graphic Twin brush markers, but they don't fit into my pencil case, so they usually end up fallen at the bottom of my backpack (I am sure the bottom is there although I haven't seen it since the day I bought the backpack).
Then! When not sketching but drawing more precisely (or let's be honest, when I can't find my pencil case) - I love to use a LAMY pen. Now, Lamy and I, it was love at first sight. It's actually very funny because, for example, in Vienna, they have them casually put on shelves in between other pens (I have heard that kids in Austria are actually learning how to write with these beauties). In the Czech Republic, the pens are in their separate display case, and some of them are LOCKED. Like... can you spot the difference?
However, Lamy is like the best quality/price you can get for an ink pen. The ink doesn't dry when you are not using it. (With previous pens, it happened to me that I hadn't used them for a day and they were dry). It doesn't leak anywhere (I end up messy from ink anyway, but it's not the pen’s fault). It's lightweight, holds comfortably, and it slides on the paper smoother than my heart slides for Ian Somerhalder’s eyes. They also have multiple colors of ink (I am using purple) and come in really beautiful designs (the see-through one is cool).
When I am not sketching but more like 'thinking' on the page, I use binders with cheap paper to just have it organized somehow.
2. Digital Programms
I started my Adobe journey in 2015 (feels like I'm old, damn) and I've stuck with it until now. I mostly use Adobe Illustrator for vector illustrations and graphic design, InDesign for layout and typesetting, Adobe Lightroom for photo editing, Adobe After Effects, and Premiere Pro for animation (sometimes Animate, but I'm not fluent now). And Adobe Audition? For sound. Rush for quick cutting of my Instagram reels. What is funny I use Photoshop rarely. But maybe the next tool can be the reason.
Outside of the Adobe package, my love is Procreate, and that's where I do all of my raster illustrations (on iPad). I use it for sketching and sometimes ever for my notes because I used it so much it became very intuitive.
3. Digital Tools
As every hipster wanna be cool designer I am using Macbook - let’s not lie to ourselves they are just made for the work I need to get done. It’s easy as that.
That is it for today, thanks for reading - 🐝.