How I Improved my art style
An idea for this article came out right after i watched this video from Kelsey Rodriquez. She says you can basically teach yourself to draw the way you always dreamt. So I tried. And I have to say I got much more than “dream artstyle” out of this excercise.

Step 1.
I collected my favourite artists, things i would really enjoy making (instead just stuff I like to look at) and I made it a pinterest board. The main field I focused on was illustration.
Step 2.
I made a list of things that the artworks have in common and found patterns. In my case it was: strong lines, cartoons, stylized, soft womenish but also funny and light vibes, motives of books, tea, coffee, halloween, magic, fantasy spaces, vintage/old looking, simple shading. You can also look on colors or composition.