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Behind the scenes of writing a book

A.k.a. take a look on how I am procrastinating from actually WRITING the second draft by THINKING about the book and stuff around it.

Let’s dive into it, shall we.

How it usually works:

Person has an idea - that is followed sometimes by action- excruciating pain (read: writing process) - book is done (after a lot of editing, and more pain...). Then publishing- marketing and sharing come to play.

How I am doing it:

(I promise that maybe on day I am going to do stuff like normal people do- but not happening any time soon)

Person (me) had an idea and got insanely obsessed with it. Followed by excruciating pain (writing the 1st draft) - BUT I am sharing my process since this point. I want to do the book and the writing, but also illustrations, messages, references, cover, playlists, instagram account and much more- going over the boarders of what we understand as a "book".


  1. It’s more fun

  2. I’ve never seen anybody do it- if you did please leave a comment

That’s actually all... My book, my rules (I guess I will use this sentence to excuse my behavior a lot).

Initially I wanted to do an animated movie. The trouble with animation is that it takes soooooo long. Since I can remember I wanted to work on animated movies and cartoons for kids however, then I grew older (and a bit wiser). The animation industry isn’t very calm and welcoming... industry. Also after some time I realized I don’t enjoy the hard work of animation that much, as much I enjoy actually coming up with the stories.

Why book?

  • it’s much EASIER (writers put down your torches and pitchforks if you’ve never actually tried to do 2D hand-drawn animation)

  • it’s FASTER even with editing process taking over a year it is still much faster

  • It’s CHEAPER - the programs for animation cost a kidney (yes there are cheaper alternatives- or like an alternative, but it also makes the process harder)

  • in a book all of the visuals are made by readers in their minds - in animation you need to do it yourself, and also have some opening, and music, voice-overs (of multiple people usually), etc.

  • I can do it by myself - not that I would not appreciate a team of people, but nobody around me seems crazy enough to go for it

I noticed that most of the "behind the scenes" of writing are journals, and scenes/ plot plans (like JK Rowling’s outline plan for Harry Potter)

But damn I want more! I want to see through the eyes of the creators. It happens often that the process of the work is actually more interesting (at least for me) than the outcome. The artbooks, sketches, behind the scenes, cut scenes, the "boxes" filled with materials, the book of Twilight , the notebook of godfather. This is the type of stuff I want to see more of.

Twilight Director’s Notebook

Francis Copola’s Notebook

Alex Hirsch’s early sketches of Gravity Falls

It’s scary idea really, to have your soul and mind process laid down like this for the whole world to read. But I know myself- I watched every video of Gravity Falls making of on youtube, I listened to the podcast where Alex Hirsch, the creator of the series and other people working on the show are talking about how they come up with the ideas- IT’S GOLD! It’s so precious it’s more than gold- it’s unicorn hair. You get what I mean?

Yeah, I bet you get what I mean

I want to create this transparent way of working on my book. There’s a lot to do, so if you are curious about how is it going - KEEP WATCHING 👀 👀

-BB 🐝🐝

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Sabina Hoosova

Sabee says hi,

I'm a designer, student and bunch of other stuff. I like to do things the other way but I guess I have the right... I am an artist after all. 

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