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Motivation for my studies

As lot of other people I came to university with uncertainty of what am I actually going to study. The name of the field wasn’t very clear however it somehow seemed I could like it. It was bearable so I finished my bachelor’s degree. However the experiences I collected during the three years were much more valuable than studying on its own. I finally got clearer view of my way in life. Never really thought about it much before, because somehow all good things just came to me, unexpectedly. And with my master studies as well. One friend of my, fellow designer told me she is studying KISK (Department of Information and Library Studies at Masaryk Universtiy) and as I heard more and more of what the studies are actually about it caught my attention. Because combination of design, technology and books sounded like a dream. That dream came true in the beginning of this semester. I am not the best student but I can do things and projects with passion, that in my opinion is rare. Maybe I am not as good in writing essays, but books and libraries are my second home. I may not aim for an A in every lesson, but what I create or design, I create with love. I expect to enrich my portfolio with new and fresh point of view on designing, to open up a deeper understanding of how libraries work internally and find myself a friendly group in academic environment. These things intersect also with my goals so hopefully I will fulfill the expectations.


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Sabee says hi,

I'm a designer, student and bunch of other stuff. I like to do things the other way but I guess I have the right... I am an artist after all. 

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